Ahem swipes sidnur from Gopi’s hairline. He says she is not my wife, she used to be. He makes a line with sindur and says this is the boundary between me and you now. Gopi pick a pinch of sindur from the floor and fills her hairline again. She says you can’t play with two relation, mother and wife.
Ahem says to kokila promise me you will come to Mumbai and live with me. Kokila says in emotions yes i promise i will come there and live with you there. Ahem says thank you mom now don’t say that you said this in haste.
Off screen: Ahem says i don’t want Gopi i have mansi. Mansi says i am really happy. Mansi says i instigated him. I said him i am going so he did this to stop me.
Ahem say i have to live with maa anyhow. kokila says he made me emotional and asked me to promise.