Sid is seen walking in the lanes of USA. He tells that Roshini is my life, my full life, if I wants to live my life then Roshini have to come back to him. Roshini is seen giving wallet and watch to someone and says he is getting late for shoot. He asks am I looking good? Roshini says yes. He says he has so much time to flirt with her. She calls him Yash and says you are forgetting something. Yash asks what?
Roshini gives him mobile. Yash says since the day you came in my life, everything is sorted. I didn’t know how I spend my past years without you. Roshini says so cheesy, come with me. Then she is seen crying sitting on the bench. Sid looks at her and thinks her situation is like him. He prays for her without seeing her face. He borrows a pen from someone and goes towards Roshini. He looks at her oblivious that she is his Roshini. Keep reading.